Samarkand regional government w w w . s a m a r k a n d . u z

The 8 the of December is the day when the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan was adopted!

The 8 the of December is the day when the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan was adopted!

The existence of each nation in this world is expressed by its language, values, and state symbols, and the Constitution strengthens and justifies the rights of each nation to live, work, and have decent rest by law.

The Constitution of Uzbekistan is distinguished by its expression of the principles of humanity, democracy, and social justice, the universally recognized rules of international law, and the goal of establishing a democratic legal state based on the experience of Uzbek statehood.

The equality of all rights in our multinational country can also be seen in the lifestyle of our compatriots working in all areas.

Representatives of different nationalities work in organizations and national cultural centers. They speak their own languages, receive education, and actively participate in various cultural and educational events. Freedom of belief is inviolable. This can be understood as the “gloss of our life-giving Constitution that is pleasing to the heart.”

We congratulate you all on Constitution Day!

Date edited: 26/12/2024 09:04.   Views: 235
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