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The infrastructure of 585 neighborhoods in Samarkand is going to be developed in 2023

The infrastructure of 585 neighborhoods in Samarkand is going to be developed in 2023

Construction and repair works is being carried out in 588 projects (objects) in 585 neighborhoods in the region this year.

The complete estimates and documents of these projects have been developed and examined till now.

 According to information, in 6 cases out of 588 projects, including 3 in Nurabad district Nurdum and Kurgoncha neighborhoods, in Urgut district Omonkuton neighborhood, unfit for consumption of underground water was found.  The laying of sewage network in the Rasadkhana neighborhood of Samarkand did not meet the specified conditions.  Construction works are being carried out at the expense of other sources in Obod Maskan and Qazi Arik neighborhood of Samarkand district.  The Cabinet of Ministers was approached about removing these 6 projects from the targeted program and diverting the funds planned to be allocated for them to drinking and wastewater facilities (in this program).

 Contracting organizations for internal roads - 296, drinking water and waste water supply facilities - 183, electricity supply facilities - 51, gas supply facilities - 5 and 47 other projects were identified, contracts were signed and construction and repair works started.

 To date, construction and repair works worth 122.2 billion soums have been completed within the framework of these projects in the region, 23 projects have been commissioned.

 Including 7 internal roads, 1 drinking water supply facility (one special water transportation equipment was purchased for Yuksalish neighborhood of Nurabad district), 10 electricity supply facilities and 5 gas supply facilities (gas cylinder in Jom district of Nurabad district and Salovat neighborhood of Narpay district  Current maintenance works of gas networks were carried out in Muliyan, Khoja Yusuf neighborhood of Samarkand city and Yangiarik neighborhood of Bulungur district.

Date edited: 30/01/2023 09:30.   Views: 305
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