Samarkand regional government w w w . s a m a r k a n d . u z

On October 18th — the Day of Samarkand city

On October 18th — the Day of Samarkand city

Samarkand city was awarded the order of “Amir Temur” and October 18 was designated as the Day of Samarkand city on the 660th anniversary of the great Amir Temur on October 18 in 1996.

Since then, this day has been widely celebrated in the region. Samarkand, which faces the world and looks to the future, is still in a festive mood today.

Today, the festive events began early in the morning with a visit to the mausoleum of the great Amir Temur. The Qur'an was recited in honor of the souls of our great ancestors.

Date edited: 07/12/2024 16:25.   Views: 65
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