1986-1988. - A head of the brigade of collective farm called “Engels”, in Vobkent district of Bukhara region
1988-1993. - A student of Tashkent State University of Economics
1993-1995. - A leading economist of finance department in Bukhara region
1995-1996 - A deputy head of the financial department of Bukhara city administration
1996-1997 - A chief economist, deputy head of the department of finance of Bukhara region, a head of the industrial complex financing department
1997-2002. - A head of the department for control over the calculation and use of dividends on the state share of property by economic entities, a head of the department for financing local industries, head of the department for financing capital investments, finance department of Bukhara region
2002-2007 - A deputy head of the finance department at the government
of Bukhara Region
2007- 2008 - A researcher at the postgraduate course of Tashkent State University of Economics
2008-2010 - A head of the revenue forecasting department of the executive directorate of the Republican road fund under the Ministry of Finance
2010-2012 - A head of the revenue planning and analysis of consolidated budget revenues of the main department of the state budget of the Ministry of finance deputy head of department
2012-2017 -A deputy executive director of the extra-budgetary fund for the reconstruction, major repair and equipment of general schools, vocational colleges, academic lyceums and medical institutions under the Ministry of Finance
2017-2017 - Off-budgetary fund for the material and equipment of educational and healthcare institutions under the Ministry of finance deputy executive director of the technical base development fund
2017-2019 - A head of the investment department of the Ministry of Finance
2019-2020 - A director of the department of financial provision of state development programs of the Ministry of Finance
2020-2023 -A deputy Minister of economic development and poverty reduction of the Republic of Uzbekistan
2023 -2024 - A deputy Minister of economy and finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan
2024 - currently. -An Acting governor of Samarkand region
O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti matbuot xizmati
O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Davlat hukumati portali
O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy Majlisi Senati
O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy Majlisi Qonunchilik palatasi
O‘zbekiston Respublikasi milliy qonunchiligi onlayn bazasi
Aloqa, axborotlashtirish va telekommunikatsiya bo‘yicha davlat inspeksiyasi
Hozir onlayn
Ro‘yxatdan o‘tganlar: 1
Mehmonlar: 8
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