w w w . s a m a r k a n d . u z

Boboev Adiz Muzafarovich

Boboev Adiz Muzafarovich


1986-1988. - A head of the brigade of collective farm called “Engels”, in Vobkent district of Bukhara region

1988-1993. - A student of Tashkent State University of Economics

1993-1995. - A leading economist of finance department in Bukhara region

1995-1996 - A deputy head of the financial department of Bukhara city administration

1996-1997 - A chief economist, deputy head of the department of finance of Bukhara region, a head of the industrial complex financing department

1997-2002. - A head of the department for control over the calculation and use of dividends on the state share of property by economic entities, a head of the department for financing local industries, head of the department for financing capital investments, finance department of Bukhara region

2002-2007 - A deputy head of the finance department at the government

of Bukhara Region

2007- 2008 - A researcher at the postgraduate course of Tashkent State University of Economics

2008-2010 - A head of the revenue forecasting department of the executive directorate of the Republican road fund under the Ministry of Finance

2010-2012 - A head of the revenue planning and analysis of consolidated budget revenues of the main department of the state budget of the Ministry of finance deputy head of department

2012-2017 -A deputy executive director of the extra-budgetary fund for the reconstruction, major repair and equipment of general schools, vocational colleges, academic lyceums and medical institutions under the Ministry of Finance

2017-2017 - Off-budgetary fund for the material and equipment of educational and healthcare institutions under the Ministry of finance deputy executive director of the technical base development fund

2017-2019 - A head of the investment department of the Ministry of Finance

2019-2020 - A director of the department of financial provision of state development programs of the Ministry of Finance

2020-2023 -A deputy Minister of economic development and poverty reduction of the Republic of Uzbekistan

2023 -2024 - A deputy Minister of economy and finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan

2024 - currently. -An Acting governor of Samarkand region

Kiritilgan vaqti: 10/01/2025 16:47.   Ko‘rilganligi: 41
Material manzili: https://samarkand.uz/regional_government/biographies/boboyev-adiz-muzafarovich



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