Samarkand regional government w w w . s a m a r k a n d . u z

The conditions of the work that are being carried out in Pakhtachi district has been got acquainted

The conditions of the work that are being carried out in Pakhtachi district has been got acquainted

The governor of the region Erkinjon Turdimov has visited Pakhtachi district and studied the state of affairs in the area of beautification,

ensuring employment of the population, development of entrepreneurship and effective use of the estate by the officials of the district today.He got acquainted with the presentation of new projects developed in the district and expressed his opinion. On the example of the “Amirabad” neighborhood, the head of the sector and seven neighborhood groups got acquainted. He gave the necessary instructions and assignments to the officials regarding the construction of a new building being built for the neighborhood and the solution of other existing problems.

Date edited: 08/06/2024 09:53.   Views: 220
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