Samarkand regional government w w w . s a m a r k a n d . u z

203 superstructure buildings with 10,843 apartments are going to be built in Samarkand this year.

203 superstructure buildings with 10,843 apartments are going to be built in Samarkand this year.

About the progress of housing construction, the attention paid to quality control in construction, and the work being carried out to cover the housing needs of citizens have been announced at the discussion  in regional government today.

It was noted in the discussion that 24 apartment buildings (with 1868 apartments) have been put into use. Of the 203 high-rise buildings under construction, 69 (with 2,502 apartments) are being built in the "New Uzbekistan" massifs in Urgut and Bulungur districts.

Date edited: 15/05/2023 10:06.   Views: 183
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