Samarkand regional government w w w . s a m a r k a n d . u z

Meeting with the youth of “Gala Asia” and “Furqat” neighborhoods

Meeting with the youth of “Gala Asia” and “Furqat” neighborhoods

The governor of the region has met with the youth of “Galaosiya” and “Furqat” neighborhoods in Samarkand today.

The main goal of the meeting is to listen to the problems of young people and help them solve them. The meeting took place in the form of open and transparent communication in the form of question and answer. Assistance in acquiring professional skills, providing a loan for starting an entrepreneurial activity, subsidies for the purchase of housing, payment of fees and contracts for young people studying in higher education institutions, purchase of necessary equipment , pensions and a number of other issues, the youth appealed to the governor of the region.

Erkinjon Turdimov was interested in the reasons for regular truancy among students, as well as how the families of young people live and what difficulties they face. Those responsible for providing practical assistance to young people on more than 50 issues raised during the dialogue were appointed. The execution of the problems was controlled.

Date edited: 16/04/2024 12:35.   Views: 169
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